Quite why Eve 6 remain virtually unknown on our fair isle (the otherwise referred to "Shitty England") remains a mystery to me. Are they crap? No. No they're not. Are they really new? No. So one can only assume that unlike other 'rock' bands of this period they simply haven't bestraddled a giant multi-million media blitz and pumped their beautiful sound into the ears of others until they accept it as excellence. Which you will.
If your desperate to know about the band then just head on over to eve6.com since I cant be bothered to detail they're existence, and in all honesty, despite them being my favourite band of all time I don’t really care about them as individuals. Its their music I love, not their freakish appearance. (they look a little Australian if you ask me, anyway).
So for you delightful readers of DiS I bring before you their self-titled album; Eve 6. (Not their first I don’t think, as there is one called 'Eleventeen', but is as rare as a golden turd and I have not had any luck in finding it). Like most albums there are tracks that I love and others I am indifferent towards. However unlike most, I like 81.3% of this album (dispute my statistic and die).
'Inside Out' was the first track I ever heard of Eve 6, and that was off of the beloved internet. Certainly not one with cheery lyrics, but then I believe I was in something of a 'I am rejected' mood. Even still, the song is fucking excellent. Theres a wonderful build up all throughout the song and rather than foot tapping it can even inspire the occasional striking of a pose in the mirror and finger clicking (god forbid).
After having bought 'Horrorscope' in the USA trip earlier in the year, upon a trip to Stratford did I purchase this album. Im really rather glad I did. An opening of 5 excellent tracks, and 2 more towards the end. Among my favourites reside 'Leech' (any song which uses the word congruent must be superb) which is very catchy and I admit to humming it on the crapper, 'Showerhead' with its lyrical tongue-twisting excellence with strong guitar throughout, and 'Superhero Girl' with its yells of "Wa Wa Woaaah!" and is the song I recently blasted out at full pitch in the 6th Form Common Room, and don’t hold me to this, but I may have jumped onto a chair and upon waving my hands frantically yelled "Woo!" ITS THAT GOOD. *_"Your erotic, wet atomic eyes…" *_ I promptly followed this up with 'Tongue Tied'; **"TAKE MY TONGUE ITS COCKED AND LOADED". **
The lyrics in Eve 6 are fantastic, each song is its own little story concerning a character or situation. Unlike the usual Fuck society_ or 'Why is my life so bad' _ whining of most or the faceless and meaningless Pop cud. Also they're not afraid to title their songs in odd ways and use endless strings of sexual situations in their songs. I mean one song from this _'Eleventeen' album which I hunt for desperately has a track entitled 'Nocturnal Emission'. You can't go wrong with such a title.
Perhaps I should consider committing a string of heinous crimes and then somehow advertising Eve 6 through them. Because THEY DESERVE hyper-fame. Sure they'd probably get caught up in it all and go crappy but I don’t care. What we have here is a case of musical injustice.
I motion that you go out and fucking buy this album now.
10Robert Luckett's Score