Its all their fault you know. Moving Units' career; stillborn. They did it. "_Quick, New York funk punk post gloom new wave, its all so hot right now"_ quoth the sodding label bosses,_ "get our men Stateside and get me a band, NOW_".
And so, anything with a Cure/Hooky (of the time spent in any of his three bands) bassline, slightly bored-sounding vocals and some slashing guitars immediately went up for consideration in The Great New Wave Rummage Sale of 2003. Being auctioned off at an astonishing rate were LA guns, Moving Units. Obviously they're not from Noo Yoik, but hey, the net has been spread wider - with an increasingly narrow remit.
The 'Moving Units EP' is decent. Pretty good even, but in all honesty, it makes me want to take a knife across my throat with grim abandon everytime I play it. I can hear its qualities; the aforementioned influences are bolstered by some post-punk Wire and A Certain Ratio-type sensibilities and the off-kilter nature of it all could make for some good uneasy listening, but frankly, I don't care anymore, I really don't. And chances are, neither will the vaguely discerning music downloading public.
So, RIP Moving Units; you were crushed under a tidal wave of opportunism, and it wasn't your fault.
note; fans of Radio 4, Interpol, HHH and the YYYs will probably love this in various parts.
5Gareth Dobson's Score