Please note: you must be a registered user to vote for articles. Signing up is easy - simply click 'Sign Up', over there on the left.
Why vote? Simple, really: by voting for an article, or a post on a forum or comments board, you’re putting your personal (albeit virtual) weight behind it. Essentially, you’re saying: “I rate this article”.
By voting, the article or post will move up the site-flanking columns displayed on the front page, which can be sorted both by ‘most recent’ and ‘most voted ; the more votes it receives, the more popular an article will be, and will move towards the top of its relevant column when viewed according to ‘most popular’.
By voting, you can highlight a particular article or post, marking it out for the attention of others. Give it a try: vote for a few articles and see where your seal of approval takes them. The more, the merrier – this function represents a new level of user interactivity on DiS, another brick chipped from the wall between readers and writers. This is your opportunity to effectively determine what is featured on the front page of DiS.
So, use your votes wisely and enjoy the new system.