Some of you might be aware that fresh-of-face inventive-punkers Idiot Pilot are currently carving their way about our wee Isles. By way of celebration, and to in no small way attract your attention to the fact that the duo have an album out this week (do check over the reviews section, won't you?), DiS has some nice tickets to give away.
Yup, we've A PAIR of tickets for the band's London show this Thursday, February 9th, at the Garage in Highbury. All you have to do to win is answer this question:
Steve Martin starred as a complete idiot in The Jerk, but which future Matrix star appeared alongside him in the not-so-funny Parenthood? Was it...
A) Keanu Reeves
B) William Shatner
C) James Blunt
Send your answer to me on mike(dot)diver(at)drownedinsound(dot)com. Please write "Idiot Pilot Competition" in the subject line or I'll DELETE your e-mail without so much as opening it. Please include your address, too, as the winner will also receive a SIGNED copy of Idiot Pilot's new album, Strange We Should Meet Here. The winner will be notified via e-mail tomorrow morning.