The as-yet-untitled album is set to be released later this year but will be preceded by the release of their debut single 'Sonny' on Cardiff-based Split Records on Monday 27th June.
The Wrexham five-piece have already become firm favourites with Radio 1's Bethan and Huw and recently performed for them live from Rockfield. Grab a chance to see the band play live before they become bigger than Robbie Savage's ego at the following dates:
25th, Blackpool Liquid Lounge
26th, Liverpool Barfly
27th, Manchester Night and Day
1st, Wrexham Central Station
6th, London Turnmills
16th, Leeds Mixing Tin
21st, Cardiff Clwb Ifor Bach
26th, Shrewsbury The Buttermarket
29th, Wrexham Central Station