Set up by as part of a Young Enterprise Company scheme, the 'Battle of the Bands' is a standard format with a panel of professional judges marking each band or solo artist to a fixed criteria that is available to any of the competition entrants.
The first prize is a whole day in the recording studio to produce a CD to send as a demo and sell as their product. Any runners up recieve Scheerers Music Store vouchers, for musical instruments or technical eqiupment.
The competition takes place at the Queens Hotel in Leeds City Centre, with the heats on the 23rd of Feb and the finals on the 24th. If you want to know more the website is at (events & dates) for the application form. A fee of £15 per band and £7 per solo artist is required for entry.
The Young Enterprise Company has gained a lot of support in Radio and Television and has the full support of Leeds' Sponge Studios and Scheerers Music Store and intend to hold a showcase gig at the end of the competition for the winners.