As well as their few live dates, fantastically you can now vote to have a Peel Session from this year repeated by clicking here. Antihero suggest you vote for them. The songs played for their session were: '#1', 'MTV', 'Try Again' (by Aaliyah) and 'you got nothing'.
"The studio engineer said we were the greatest band ever to have set foot in the building AND they've had THE BEATLES!!!! ok, so they didn't, but they shoulda so we were forced to steal the 8 ball from their pool table. losers." Vote vote vote..
After walking the streets with people shouting "hey, what are you guys doing in the autumn?" The band have provided this official list:
#1 - Release a new CD called 'Stravinsky Gave Me Nightmares'
#2 - Do a tour taking in the entire country (if you want us to play a gig anytime/anywhere and you can provide us petrol money just mail us and we'll do it I swear)
#3 - Shoot a new video and be on MTV2 (more news on this later)
#4 - Have some crazy adventures and play a smug "we made it" London gig with Miss Black America and The Dawn Parade.
So... new CD, super tour, video and self-congratulatory london gig. it's a simple phrase that's easy to remember. until next time kids.. see you @ an antihero gig soon...
Back to reality, here are the confirmed dates for the next few weeks: "come see us at these dates because they're all gonna rule. no really. they are."
wed 4th - LONDON, The Verge, Camden - supported by Fat Dragon and Desman (
thu 5th - BURY ST. EDMUNDS, The Priors - supported by The Exiles and The Side Project
tue 24th - CAMBRIDGE, Boat Race - supporting Martin Gresch (the Lexus tv ad) and Mew (
"If they don't rule come up to me afterwards and i'll give you 5 dollars. come get me when i've just come offstage and i'm all sweaty and cranky. i really love that."