The band failed to arrive and cancelled the show over an hour after it was due to start. 15,000 fans rioted in the streets outside the venue - using steel barricades to smash windows, firing Roman Candles and flares at police officers, destroying ticket offices and throwing rocks and bins in the car park. Police wielded batons and used pepper spray to disperse the crowd and made 20 arrests.
There are a multitude of rumours flying around as to why they didn't turn up, ranging from technical problems with the flight, Axl being refused entry into Canada by passport control, and problems at the venue itself.
Still, it's nice to see GNR haven’t changed their ways - their last world tour in 1991-93 was plagued by riots, last minute cancellations, on-stage fights, truncated sets, arrests and general rock-bad-boy behaviour.
The new line-up of the band has only played 11 shows in the past decade and cancelled at least 20. Is it time to put an end to the madness?