Art Brut are fairly well-liked around these parts, so it seems only right to report that the band - which is comprised of five individuals you may wish to call 'musicians' - is playing some shows later this year.
Yes indeeeeeed: Top Of The Pops might be dead but the dream that is Art Brut didn't die with it. So why don't you pack some bank notes into that back pocket o' yours, slip on your sneakers and lope along to one o' these 'ere shows...
8 Reading Fez
9 Sheffield Plug
11 Leeds Cockpit
12 Liverpool Academy 2
13 Glasgow ABC2
14 Manchester Academy 3
15 London Mean Fiddler
16 BristLOL Fleece
17 Brighton Concorde 2
When my little brother discovered rock and roll he just sorta shrugged. Kids, eh.