Former Miss America - essentially one Anthony Carter plus some talented mates - aren't likely to win too many musical beauty pageants with this debut album. 'Carnivalism', whilst fleetingly beautiful (and very impressively packaged), is an album of contrasts - the sorts that don't make for exceptional records. It'll flutter its eyelashes, express its desire for world peace and an end to hunger in the Third World, but its many faces don't always see eye-to-eye. Likened to the likes of Sparklehorse and Grandadday by better scribes than myself, FMA are at their best when offering stripped-down, electro-indie love songs; 'Fear Of The Dark' is especially noteworthy. However, much of 'Carnivalism' falls into the generic singer-songwriter category, despite an impressive first few tracks. If they build on the more inspired moments of this debut, FMA's follow-up will be very special indeed. If not, they'll be forgotten quicker than the song that woke you up this morning. Final judgement, for now, is reserved for a later date.
6Mike Diver's Score